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Old 08-08-2022, 06:40 PM   #3
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Default Trip Report

On Sunday Kristen, Jodi, and myself (Mark) in kayaks, and Millie and her two grandchildren (freshly arrived from Germany) in a canoe launched onto Buffalo Creek for the trip through lock 5 on the Allegheny. From the time we arrived at the parking lot, it was hot and humid, and pretty much stayed that way all day. We only encountered a few boats on our way up to the lock. As we approached the lock, we radioed the lock tender of our approach. Within about five minutes, the lock doors began to open, and we were soon signaled to proceed into the lock. With just a few boats, we were only required to tie off one boat, and have the others hold onto one another, such that we were all connected. The doors closed and the water began to rise. It only took about ten minutes or so to lift us about 15 feet to the level of the upper pool. The opposite doors opened, we untied, and we were on our way. As there was little shade, and the heat and humidity were oppressive, we got a good ways above the dam and pulled off to relax under some trees along shore and do a little swimming to cool off. After a spell, we continued on up river. As we neared the island, it began to sprinkle, then the sprinkle turned to more of a shower. As we could hear the distant rumble of thunder, we turned around and headed back. The rains dissipated just as quickly as they came. We continued to hear distant thunder, and saw lightening far across the horizon, but encountered no more weather than a gentle breeze. After locking back through, we encountered several more pleasure boaters and jet skiers than we had earlier. We had to turn into many of the wakes made by the passing boats to avoid being tossed sideways. No carnages to report. We took out on the concrete ramp at Buffalo Creek amongst a few other boaters. All-in-all, it was a pretty good trip. Locking through went smoothly for a bunch of first time locker-throughers. While we all agreed that we've now "been there and done that", we agreed that while we wouldn't do an up and back again for the sake of locking, we wouldn't let a lock deter us from a float that might require lockage as part of the trip ... so that's something to think on for the future. Thanks to all! See yinz on the next one.
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