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Old 02-27-2022, 10:07 PM   #1
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Default Red Moshannon Creek

We would be happy to assist in any way we can. Tom said we could even bring out the trailer to load boats on. I'm not sure what the organizers have in mind but we can do whatever makes the most sense.

We took a ride out there today. We didn't get to the put in. The road was very icy and snow covered so we turned around. We went to the take out next which is on Rt 53 at a bridge. There is very little room there for parking. A very pretty area but the creek does look very shallow.

On our way back to I-80 we went past a car that had it's blinkers on with a smashed windshield. We went past but it was hard to see in the car. I got a weird feeling and asked Tom to turn around. We parked and Tom walked back to the car. There was a couple inside and the driver had blood on his face. A chunk of ice had flown off a semi going the opposite direction and smashed their windshield. The driver was able to get off the road and stop the car. The wife was on the phone with 911 and shortly two other cars stopped that had seen the whole accident and gave chase to the truck driver and had come back to assist the car. Once the fire department came, we left. Then as we neared the Clintonville exit heading back home, traffic started to back up. From what we surmised, a semi had clipped the back of another semi with a box trailer and tore the tin back on the trailer and the load (some sort of hardware) was spread all over both lanes. Sheesh! What a weird day. I told Tom the angels must have be riding with us today and keeping us safe!

Let me know what we can do and we'll plan for that.

Take care,
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